The Bluestocking’s Bargain

The Bluestocking's Bargain, book five in The Ladies' Essential Guide to the Art of Seduction Regency romance series by Claire Delacroix

You might remember Catherine’s sister mucking up the books in their father’s bookshop in The Widow’s Wager. Arthur Beckham subsequently discovered, upon arrival in Venice, that instead of a lending copy of Childe Harolde, he has Harris’ List of Covent Garden Ladies. How scandalous! He attributes this to mischief on the part of one of the younger sisters at Carruthers & Carruthers and resolves to investigate on his return to London.

By the time he arrives in town, Prudence has a scheme of her own to recover the book and proposes a bargain with the dashing young rake. She wants to publish Mrs. Oliver’s guide of amorous advice for women, but needs a man’s help to arrange publication. Intrigued by this bluestocking who determined to rewrite the rules of society, Arthur proposes a marriage of convenience as the basis of their alliance and Prudence accepts. But this business arrangement quickly whets appetites for more – Arthur is a rake, after all, and he already enjoys surprising Prudence. I’m curious to see whether it will be Arthur or Prudence who suggests that Mrs. Oliver’s advice be put to the test. Will it be a dare? Who will fall in love first? Who will admit it first?

This one is going to be fun to write since both will get more than expected from the bargain!

Coming in October 2024