Audiobook Sale

This month, I’m participating in a multi-author audiobook promotion that runs at the end of the month. Three of my audiobooks will go on sale at select retailers in the middle of the month – I’ll tell you when the prices change there – but they’re discounted in my online store NOW.

Audiobooks that you buy in my online store are delivered by BookFunnel and will be stored in your BookFunnel library forever.

When you buy one (or all) of these series starters in audio in my online store, you can save on the other audiobooks in the series.

The Beauty Bride, book one of the Jewels of Kinfairlie series of medieval Scottish romances, in audio narrated by Saskia Maarleveld, is discounted to just $2.99 through the end of June.

First up, The Beauty Bride is on sale for just $2.99US.

This is book one of my Jewels of Kinfairlie series of medieval Scottish romances. The entire series has been narrated by Saskia Maarleveld in audio.

When you buy The Beauty Bride in audio in my online store, you can save 40% on the other audiobooks in the series. Once you’ve bought the audiobook, I’ll email you a discount coupon.

The audiobook of The Renegade's Heart, book one of my True Love Brides series of medieval Scottish romances, narrated by Saskia Maarleveld, is discounted to just $3.99 at select portals

The audiobook for The Renegade’s Heart, also narrated by Saskia Maarleveld, is discounted to $3.99 US in my online store. When you buy it, I’ll send you a discount coupon to save 40% on the other three audiobooks in the True Love Brides series.

The Wolf & the Witch, book one of the Blood Brothers series of medieval Scottish romances by Claire Delacroix, audiobook narrated by Tim Campbell, on sale for $4.99 for a limited time

The audiobook for The Wolf & the Witch, narrated by Tim Campbell, is discounted to $4.99 US in my online store. When you buy it, I’ll send you a coupon to save 40% on the audiobook for The Hunter & the Heiress.

When you look at the audiobook in the store, it displays the full price. Put it in your cart, then look at your cart – hey, presto! It’s been discounted. Here’s a screenshot of my cart with all three audiobooks.

screenshot from Deborah Cooke's Books, showing discounted audiobooks

The store also discounts by percentages or dollar amounts, instead of letting me set a fixed price in every currency. (There may be a way to do that which I haven’t found yet.) So, the price might be off by a penny or two. The $CA price, for example, on The Beauty Bride is $4.00 instead of $3.99.

Visit the Audio aisle in my online store.

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