The Renegade’s Heart is Free!

The Renegade's Heart, book one of the True Love Brides series of medieval Scottish romances by Claire DelacroixNow through July 14, The Renegade’s Heart is a free series starter!

The Renegade's Heart, #1 of the True Love Brides series of medieval Scottish romances by Claire DelacroixShe would risk everything to save his soul…

Released from the captivity of the Fae, Murdoch Seton wants nothing more than to forget his lost years. Undertaking a quest to recover treasure stolen from his family seems the perfect solution – but Murdoch is not counting upon a curious maiden who holds both the secret to the theft and his sole redemption.

Isabella is outraged to find her brother’s keep besieged by a renegade knight—especially one who is too handsome for his own good or hers. After a single encounter, she becomes convinced that his cause is just and decides to unveil the true thief, never imagining that their single shared kiss has launched a battle for Murdoch’s very soul.

As the treacherous Fae move to claim Murdoch forever, Isabella seeks to heal the knight who has stolen her heart. But will Murdoch allow her to take a risk and endanger herself? Or will he sacrifice himself to ensure Isabella’s future?

A #1 Kindle Bestselling Title!

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The Renegade's Heart, #1 of the True Love Brides series of medieval Scottish romances by Claire Delacroix is also available in audioBuy Audio Book
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Medieval Cooking

One of the things that fascinates me about the Middle Ages is the food. I have several cookbooks that are compiled from medieval texts and this recipe is from my favorite one: it’s called The Medieval Kitchen: Recipes from France and Italy by Odile Redon, Francoise Sabban and Silvano Serventi. I like that each recipe includes the translated medieval text first (they wrote recipes like my MIL did: “Take enough butter and mix flour into it until it looks right…”) followed by the authors’ notes and then a modern version of the recipe which they’ve tested.

Last night, I made the Torta Bolognese, which I’ve made a number of times before. The translation is Herbed Swiss Chard and Cheese Pie, and it’s an awesome way to cook swiss chard. It’s also vegetarian.

Here’s a picture of my tart, fresh from the oven:

Swiss Chard Tart, baked by Deborah Cooke

And here’s a picture of the interior:
Chard Tart baked by Deborah CookeThe recipe instructs you to puree the ingredients for the filling until you have a smooth green paste, but I don’t do that. I use the chard with red stems and dice them up as well, then just chop it all fine. I’d rather see the green chard with red flicks in the egg filling than have it be all green. (The tomatoes have a red onion relish on them, btw.)

Next up, I want to try the Civet of Hare, probably the one from the Ménagier de Paris.

You can buy this book at Amazon – here’s the link.

Have you ever cooked historical recipes? What did you make and what did you think of the result?